International Journal of
Pharmacetical Sciences Letters

Published By :- Society of Scientific Research and Education(SSRE)
e-ISSN 2277-2685
p-ISSN 2320–9763

A Refereed Journal


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NCSET Conference 2020




An Analysis of the Properties and Consequences for Stability of Examining Local Mobility in Amorphous Drugs

Suresh , K.Kumar

» doi: http://


:Recent years have seen a flurry of activity in the quest to determine whether or not amorphous drug physical and chemical stability are correlated with molecular mobility. The focus of these studies has been on molecular motions associated with glass transition or global mobility. However, there were a few of instances when the volatility defied explanation by global migration. It is becoming more accepted that local mobility (b-relaxations), which are much below the glass transition temperature, could be influencing stability. The mobility of an amorphous pharmaceutical below the glass transition temperature (g) is often determined by extrapolating data gathered above Tg. This kind of study isn't ideal for determining exact local mobility, but it could provide information on overall mobility. From a pharmacological point of view, our primary objective is to demonstrate the significance of local motions in amorphous medicines, particularly in the JohariGoldstein relaxations. A evaluation of the coupling model that connected local movements with global mobility was conducted to bring attention to the potential impact of local mobility on the stability of amorphous phases. The local motions in an amorphous matrix, found in molecular dispersions, have been investigated, and the influence of water and other additives has been considered. Ultimately, we have provided a brief overview, outlining the pros and cons, of the most popular instrumental approaches to local movement characterization. The publisher, WileyLiss, Inc., retains all rights.